Nigrostriatal Dopamine Signals Sequence-Specific Action-Outcome Prediction Errors
Molecular Neurobiology Lab, Xin Jin
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
San Diego, CA
My current interest lies in the neurobiology underlying goal-directed behavior and learning, which motivated me to investigate nigrostriatal dopamine release in self-initiated actions for reinforcement in transgenic mice. To study this, I utilized mice expressing channelrhodopsin in their dopamine neurons to provoke reinforcement learning by optically stimulating the substantia nigra pars compacta when animals completed a specific heterogeneous lever task. With analysis, I found the duration between correct lever presses and latency to reinitiate the sequence decrease over training, indicating mice successfully learned the action sequence. With the robust behavior in place, I now chased after the dopamine dynamics. Due to the sub-second temporal resolution, I implanted chronic fast scan-cyclic voltammetry electrodes and was able to record dopamine release in the dorsal striatum during behavioral sessions. I now questioned two things; what does dopamine transmission look like when the animal receives reinforcement as a product of their own action? And do dopamine dynamics differ during the sequence? To answer my first question, I recorded voltammetry sessions with two phases: in the first phase, the animals perform the learned sequence to receive stimulation (self-stimulation) which was followed by the second phase, that has levers retract and stimulation is delivered non-contingently upon the animal’s action (passive playback). Upon analysis, data demonstrated that dopamine release is markedly lower during self-stimulation than during passive playback, indicating self-initiated action suppresses striatal dopamine release in relation to that action’s outcome. Collectively, this is consistent with the notion of feed forward inhibition triggered by the goal-directed action, suspected through an efference copy mechanism. For my second question, I examined dopamine transmission at the individual action level by probing the initiating and terminating lever presses. My hypothesis that both lever presses would exhibit action-induced suppression was incorrect; in fact, the data indicated dopamine responded differently at the elemental-level. These findings suggest dopamine is selective towards each action when conducting a sequence for reinforcement, and therefore may give insight to understanding maladaptive learning presented in addiction. With excitement, this work can be found via BioRxiv.
Nick G. Hollon, Elora W. Williams, Christopher D. Howard, Hao Li, Tavish I. Traut, Xin Jin