Welcome inside our minds
We are two people who love to explore and question the world around us. With all that there is, we thought we ought to openly process it by giving our ideas a digital home. Within these pages you will find a range of topics that have filled us with curiosity and inspiration.
Get to know us more in the following pages:
Science grabbed our attention. Biology spoke to us. We mostly dance with the head and the heart (neuroscience and cardiovascular medicine) however, we often find ourselves moved by the nature of scientific inquiry.
If you thought science was complicated, the science of science can be worse. This blog will not only break down biological findings, our own and others’, but also demystify the operations that guide and dictate the discipline as a whole.
The mind influences the body and the body influences the mind. Our internal and external environment shapes who we are and who we could be; knowing this leads us to investigate the factors that enhance personal and hopefully societal growth.
Media Reviews
Few things beat sitting down with a good book. The added wisdom from podcasts, music, movies and documentaries has laid the foundation for lifelong learning. In these archives, we share our favorite resources and discuss the key messages within.
All thoughts expressed here are our own and do not represent the views of any other organizations. This site is in no way affiliated with any companies or institutions. Where content is shared from others, credit and links to original sources are provided.